Category Archives: Lots of Bugs

BeagleBone Black “Hello World”

Kristin and the boys left to get haircuts, this left Emily and I to our own devices. We decided we woudn’t waste our free time and bust out one of the Beagle Bone Blacks I bought awhile ago and hook up some Xbees. So I got my breakout boards and the xbees and my horror when I saw the xbees were to be soldered to the breakout board. I wasn’t about to do that, so we found the pins and have them coming from Spark Fun, so that project will wait for another day.
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Jobs the movie review

I am not a writer, nor am I a critic, so if you’re looking for either of these things look elsewhere, to read this you must overlook the obvious run on sentences, missing punctuation, and misspellings. What I am however is a computer programmer/hobbiest that started with an Apple II. Granted I was very young, my guess I was using the Apple II in 1985 or 1986, playing Reader Rabbit and Oregon Trail. It was the first computer I ever saw anywhere, I was the only person I knew with a computer.
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